A downloadable tool

Brainrot generator in python by Ametyst36

How many outputs are there?

4 sentences (1 in 4)

    5 variables

        main_obj (8 words)
        main_multiple (3 words)
        second_obj (5 words)
        verb (6 words)
        verb_action (6 words)

    1st sentence: main_obj, verb, second_obj (240 outcomes)
    2nd sentence: main_multiple, second_obj (15 outcomes)
    3rd sentence: main_obj, verb, second_obj (240 outcomes)
    4th sentence: second_obj, verb_action, main_multiple (90 outcomes)

If you do the math, 585 outcomes can occur.

That is a lot considering I made this python code half drunk at 10 PM.

I will probably make a tutorial on my youtube channel when I feel like it.

The code is opensource but please dont steal it! (What did i create?...)


brainrot_generator_2.zip 901 bytes

Install instructions

Unzip it and click the python script.

Development log


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What the gyatt? Thats jelqing my brainrot!